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LinkedIn profiles of employees and companies

  • More than 820 million active LinkedIn profiles, we are the largest employee data supplier worldwide
  • More than 30 million company profiles matched with their employees
  • Refreshing our employee and company database every month
  • More than 150 million highest quality professional e-mail addresses
  • is not affiliated with LinkedIn

LinkedIn employees

Also check our Linkedin company services

We monitor the public job information of the whole world with nearly monthly accuracy.

We started out monitoring LinkedIn, by now our database is aggregated from countless additional sources.

From sales enablement and lead supply over research for machine learning to HR data and employee monitoring. All from one hand.

Legal: It is not just important for us, it's also important for you! We are a legal service, we do not collect 'private' or 'sensitive' personal data, we do not use illegal methods to access data (no accounts involved) and if we detect a user deleted his public profile we will remove him from our dataset as well.

Scope and accuracy of our LinkedIn database

We keep track of more than 820 million LinkedIn profiles, a number that is growing by millions every month.

We refresh our entire LinkedIn dataset at least once per quarter, the large majority of profiles are always updated within 2 months.

We estimate to have around 94-97% of all active LinkedIn profiles.

In addition we monitor public stock trading markets and millions of companies not entered in LinkedIn

Professional employee e-mail addresses

We keep track of job changes of hundreds of millions of employees and their changing professional e-mail addresses.

Our e-mail contact database is among the worlds largest and powered by large scaled e-mail testing, AI supported extrapolation and website scraping aggregation.

Our primary concern is high quality, this includes our first class e-mail aggregation.

Order LinkedIn profiles sample
100.- USD
By ordering you agree to our TOS

A LinkedIn sample typically contains 200 employee profiles in full detail without e-mail addresses.

After payment contact our customer support and specify which country or state to use.

If you have specific criteria please just contact our support to discuss a sample and available numbers.

Typical use cases

Our data is the foundation of some of the largest b2b marketing and talent acquisition firms and innovative startups.

But also various research studies from Harvard, Stanford and NYU are powered by our datasets.

We license our LinkedIn data for internal use, educational research, statistics or to spice your project with exclusive data.

Regular refreshes

Once an initial dataset was acquired we offer full automated refreshes from weekly to quarterly through a monthly subscription.

You can easily keep track of job changes and new users entering the job market.

LinkedIn user profile details

We currently provide four levels of detail during export.

Not every profile has every field available


Basic details are typically refreshed every 1-2 months, these are used to monitor a persons job,company and location changes. Every exported profile contains basic data.

  • Name: First name, Middle name, Last name
  • Number of connections
  • Number of previous jobs
  • Geo-location: normalized country, state and city
  • Industry
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Titles [PhD, Ing, Dr, etc.]
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • Season: the start date of the month this profile was refreshed


Extended details are an early 2017 snapshot of additional fields, roughly 310 million profiles are enhanced with these extended fields:

  • Job history: Company names, Job titles, Company Linkedin URLs, Job user descriptions, Start dates, End dates, Normalized Geo-location
  • Education: Academic titles, Universities, Start dates, End dates
  • Volunteering: Volunteered organizations, Job titles, Causes, Organization Linkedin URLs, Start dates, End dates
  • Skills: A list of skills and abilities
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Patents: Registered patents including Patent IDs, Titles, URLs
  • Publications: Authors, Publishers, Summaries, Titles, Websites
  • Certifications: Certification authorities, License names, Titles, Start dates, End dates
  • Recommendations: The public recommendations preview
  • Related profiles: The part 'also_viewed' from LinkedIn with related LinkedIn URLs
  • Websites: Websites and titles the user has added
  • Languages: The languages the user is speaking


Extended job history is an additional complex field of our monitored job changes,company name and job title, since January 2018. (Q4/2018: 800 million historic snapshots)

  • Date
  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Geo-location: normalized country, state and city


Company matching enables the active search for extended company data during export. If the company name is found within our database of 12 million company profiles a range of extended company fields are included.

  • Company LinkedIn URL
  • Summary text
  • Industry
  • Headquarter address
  • Geo-location: normalized country, state and city
  • Website URL
  • Size: min and max size
  • Founded year

Sale conditions

Our business is B2B oriented, licensed data is intended to be used for internal purposes and only forwarded to 3rd parties in highly filtered fashion. LinkedIn data must not be published in public or sold/forwarded to other entities without our written permission for each purpose. Data must be safeguarded with high care and stored in a secure manner to prevent unwanted access. By ordering you also agree to our terms of service.

Customized services

We are specialists with more than 10 years of experience in software development and data scraping. We can provide LinkedIn data as your reliable data supplier but we are also able to develop customized search engines, frontend and backend tools or any other customized solution based on your requirements. Of course our professional customer service is available before as well as after purchases.

contact our helpdesk

Linkedin user profile example

User profiles are exported as machine readable JSON objects, separated by newlines. This format can be parsed and imported into your database or used directly with a few single lines of source code.

The below example is human readable JSON.