Get started within minutes
- Our services are billed through Credits
- No contract! Upgrade, downgrade, cancel your monthly license at will or just pay as you go
- Payments handled through PayPal or bank transactions
- No delays. From payment to license activation in a minute
Monthly Subscriptions
Monthly subscriptions provide a specific amount of Credits to use within the month at discounted rates
Subscription payments can be canceled at any time
10% of your license Credits rollover at each monthly reset.
Pay as you go license
In most situations our subscription licenses are the best choice but our Pay as you go license is available as an alternative.
Our Pay as you go license does not provide monthly Credits but it provides 100% Credit rollover each month.
All Credits will rollover at monthly reset as long as the Pay as you go license is active.
Cost of service
Credits are our internal currency obtained by subscribing to a license or using our Pay as you go plan.
PayPal subscriptions may be canceled at any moment.
Please click the Info buttons to receive caluclated scraping/usage allowances per license
Google Search
The minimal fee per started job is 0.45 Credits
Google may be scraped for Business/location information, images and organic/SEM keyword results and their ranking
A job may contain up to 20,000 keywords
The price for 1000 keywords at 100 results per keyword is 16.9 Credits (0.016 Credits per keyword)
Bing Search
The minimal fee per started job is 0.45 Credits
A job may contain up to 20,000 keywords
The price for 1000 keywords at 100 results per keyword is 4.5 Credits (0.0045 Credits per keyword)
Keyword rank tracking for SEO and SEM monitoring
The keyword rank tracker always monitors Bing as well as Google
The price for 1000 keywords at 100 results per keyword is 17.14 Credits per sample (0.0174 Credits per keyword sampled)
Keyword analyzer and Google autocomplete spider
The base price is 2 Credits per 100 keywords
The cost for deep autocomplete/suggest spider searches depends on the job configuration
LinkedIn exports
Our b2b databases are industry leading in volume as well as currentness
You may use our API for evaluation or order a randomized data sample
Please contact our customer support