Tools LinkedIn Pricing API FAQ

Frequently asked questions

Keyword SERP scraping

Country and City geolocation

Our Bing scraper currently supports Country and language geolocalization.

Our Google scraper supports full city level resolution.


Google Geolocalization

We support nearly 37000 different worldwide locations.

By default a scraping job is configured to scrape within a specific language and country, affecting all keywords.


City geolocations make most sense when data from local businesses, people or events are of importance.

To Google our scraper bots will appear to come from the exact city you choose.


Our city geolocalization is not dependend of the global country configuration, it is defined per-keyword.

This makes it possible to scrape multiple cities within one 'job'.


To enable a city geolocation for a specific keyword you append or prepend {{GEO=$id}} to the keyword.

$id is the unique ID (see below) of the selected geo location.


When using an invalid id the parameter will be ignored and the configured default location is used.

List of supported geolocations: